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There is no need to search for wool canvas, hair canvas, collar melton or other traditional men's wear under structure supplies. 不用毛襯、黑炭襯、襯領呢或其他傳統男裝用的襯佈。
At fractographic analysis, specimens with fiber posts demonstrated delamination of the veneer ceramic from intact zirconia under structure. 斷麪形態顯示,纖維樁脩複組樣本破壞表現爲飾瓷從氧化鋯內冠表麪分離,氧化鋯內冠無破壞。
Fig.11: Meloidogyne incognita infected gherkin plants under structural cultivation. 圖十一、設施園藝內遭南方根瘤線蟲危害之小黃瓜園。
Thegenesis pertains to dynamo metamorphism hydrothermal metasomatic deposit under structural control. 其成因類型屬於受搆造控制的動力變質熱液交代鑛牀。
She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。