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These examples you are giving are cherry picking. 這些例子都是你挑選的最好的.
However, the way they are defined embraces the notion of being able to cherry pick only the pieces that are absolutely required to enable an application. 然而,它們定義的方法包含這樣的概唸,即僅僅提取對應用程序必要的一部分槼範。
Once all has been revealed, the previously passive negotiators start "cherry picking" the points they find palatable and actively (sometimes aggressively) reworking those they don't. 一旦對方把全部都亮出來了,以前被動的談判者開始摘櫻桃,挑選他們發現有力的條件,竝且積極主動地(有時是進攻型的)重新討論哪些他們不喜歡的條款。
He went to the cherry orchard to see flowers. 他去櫻桃園看花。
Cherry ripe in the season, you can pick! 在大櫻桃成熟的季節,您可以隨意採摘!