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Warning: [OpenRASP] 20002 Fail to open php_stream of /opt/rasp/logs/plugin/plugin.log.2024-11-25! in /www/wwwroot/ppbbu/3350.cn/vars/english.php on line 42 Bumiputra是什么意思,Bumiputra的翻译,Bumiputra音标、读音、用法和例句_万杯洁海词词典
Malaysia is good, but some bumiputra is really sucks! Especially those 政府人员!马来西亚永远不会有进步!
There should be a total review of the quota system of the Bumiputra. 此外,我们也应该彻底检讨土著配额制。
However, the bumiputra quota has always been regarded as a hindrance in our effort to attract FDI. 然而,土著股权固打一直是我国吸引外资的绊脚石。
The bumiputra special rights are entrenched in the constitution.Nobody can take that away. 土著的特权既已获宪法规定保障,不得更动。
We have done well in reducing poverty but its second objective of uplifting the bumiputra have led to a lot of abuses. 目前,我国除贫的努力已立见彰效,但提高土著在经济所占配额时却出现许多弊端。