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With silk it contests the chromo for smoothness. 它的平滑可以与丝绸相媲美。
F ig. 3. Location of W bp h6 (t) on chromo som e 11 of rice. 空心杠示染色体,阴影部分示着丝粒位置13。
Chromo paper A smooth, heavily coated paper, usually only coated on one side, often used for the printing of multi-colours such as labels, etc. 一种平滑,涂层特厚的纸。此种纸多数涂布一面,常用于多色彩印如标签等。
Chromo paper: A smooth, heavily coated paper, usually only coated on one side, often used for the printing of multi-colours such as labels, etc. 彩印纸:一种平滑;涂层特厚的纸.;此种纸多数涂布一面;常用于多色彩印如标签等
But with real diamond it contests the chromo for beautiful and polished, so it was usually used as the material of high and middle grade Accessory. 但因其美观且光泽度可以和真钻石媲美,所以常常用作高、中档饰品材料。