- 安德森維爾(位於喬治亞洲中部偏西南阿梅裡尅斯東北偏北的一個村莊。南北戰爭期間12,000多名士兵死在這裡臭名昭著的邦聯監獄裡,現已成爲國家歷史遺址)
- What made the Andersonville prison so horrible?
是什麽使得安德森威爾監獄這樣的可怕? - The Andersonville prison was hastily constructed, and its facilities were completely inadequate.
安德森威爾監獄本來就是倉促興建好的,裡頭的設備也一點都不齊全。 - Of the 49,485 soldiers sent to Andersonville during 1864 and 1865, more than 13,000 died there.
在1864年至1865年之間,約有49485位士兵被送到安德森威爾監獄裡,而其中有超過13000人死亡。 - Bixby's five boys, hasn't any tears to shed about the thousands of Yankees dying at Andersonville,” said Rhett, his mouth twisting.
媚蘭整天守在電報侷裡,還等候每一班火車,希望收到信件,她現在病了,同時妊娠起的反應瘉來瘉明顯。 - Caught in the unfortunate position of answering for all the misery that had occurred at the Andersonville prison, Wirz stood little chance of a fair trial.