- 埃科诺莫
- "Most school kitchens are equipped to re-heat food and not to cook," Economos said.
Economos说多数学校的厨房仅有加热食物的器具,而没有做饭的器具。 - "There were taste-tests throughout the year. There was a fruit and vegetable of the month so that kids got to taste new things," Economos said.
有一年的味觉实验,每月的水果和蔬菜以便孩子们能够品尝新的食物。 - "There were taste-tests throughout the year. There was a fruit and egetable of the month so that kids got to taste new things," Economos said.
有一年的味觉实验,每月的水果和蔬菜以便孩子们能够品尝新的食物。 - They did, Economos and colleagues report in the journal Obesity.Children who were oerweight lost weight, or stopped gaining, and those who were lean continued to grow at a healthy rate.
她说,所有的孩子因为发育而体重增加,我们希望能够控制他们的体重以防超过生长发育所需。 - They did, Economos and colleagues report in the journal Obesity.Children who were overweight lost weight, or stopped gaining, and those who were lean continued to grow at a healthy rate.