前缀by- = secondary;near by
1.bypass [by- = secondary 次要的;pass n. 道路→次要的道路→]
n. 旁道,旁路
举例:Take the bypass to avoid the traffic in the centre of town. 抄旁道避开交通拥挤的市中心吧!
2.bystander [by- = near by 附近;stand v. 站立;-er n.= a person ...者 →站在附近者→]
The police asked some of the bystanders about the accident. 警方向一些旁观者查问该事件。
3.bywork [by - = secondary 次要的;work 工作→]
举例: He is a teacher;writing is his bywork. 他当教师,写作是业余工作。
4.by-product [by- = secondary 次要的;product n.产品→]
Kerosene is a by-product of petroleum refining. 煤油是精炼石油时的副产品。