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The lower fungi comprise the groups Chytridiomycetes Oomycetes and Zygomycetes. 低级真菌包含壶菌,卵菌纲和接合菌。
Zygomycetes resemble the other two classes in this group but have nonmotile spores. 接合菌与其它两纲相似,但它的孢子不会动。
There are several species of zygomycetes, all of which are collectively referred to as the cause for mucormycosis. 有几种类型的接合菌共同作用引起毛霉菌病。
A total of 67 taxa comprising 56 Deuteromycetes, 3 Zygomycetes, 5 Asco-mycetes and 3 unidentified fungi were recognized from samples from the forest floor of the two forest types. 通过分离鉴定;共得到真菌67种;其中接合菌3种、子囊菌5种、半知菌类56种和未确定种3种;半知菌类最为丰富。 两种林型分解真菌优势种群为链格孢(Alternaria sp.;)
compare with Zygomycetes which produce sporangiospores inside a sporangium. 而接合菌的无性孢子是在孢子囊内产生孢囊孢子.
Zygomycetes are mostly saprophytic, absorbing nutrients from decaying vegetation and other organic matter; 接合菌纲植物多为腐生菌,从腐烂的植被或有机体中吸收营养。