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This one is the asteroid Ida. Note its little moon satellite, Dactyl, at the right. 这是小行星依达,右方的小白点为其卫星达克图。
The megalopa of S. serrata has dactyl lower margin on the fifth abdominal segment which is different from three other Scylla species. 花脚蟳大眼幼体在第五腹节具有指状下缘,与其他三种明显不同。
Fugue of Death (1945). in which the ancient Greek rhyme and sentence structure are combined unanimously, is composed of fluent verses in dactyl rhyme. 一般认为,诗成于1945。
The use of the word is analogous to its use in verse, with its traditional metrical units of iambus, trochee, dactyl and so on. 节拍在此处的用途与其在诗文中长音节的抑扬短长等作用相似。
"dactyl:a metrical foot consisting of one accented syllable followed by two unaccented or of one long syllable followed by two short, as in flattery." "扬抑抑格:诗韵的韵脚;由一个重音节紧接两个非重音节或一个长音节接两个短音节组成;如在flattery中.;"