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According to the six points method of tool frame of FANUC, the changing position and attitude between the tool frame and the terminate frame of robot can be calibrated. 引用FANUC公司的工具坐标系六点标定方法,标定出工具坐标系相对于机器人末端坐标系的位姿变化。
There are five operational stages of the target-tracking robot. First, the robot locates the 3-dimensional target position using two webcams with calibrated camera parameters. 并透过校正技术找出两台网路摄影机的内外部参数,我们可以透过内部参数和外部参数来取得目标物在三维空间的位置和深度。 youtube2hd.com
Freespace Sensor Modules are used by engineers to add inertial motion control to a product without having to learn about motion sensing or MEMS. These compact modules, the smallest of which is 9mm x 19mm x 2.5mm, are pre-calibrated for mass production, provide a well-documented API for interpreting motion, and provide data such as cursor position, linear acceleration, angular position, and angular velocity to enable the creation of novel applications. ENGADGET: blogger-avatar