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The potential invasion risk of discharge of organisms from exotic ship′s ballast water to Fujian waters were assess roughly. 初步评估外来压舱水生物排放对福建沿海的潜在入侵风险。
It enumerates main points to record the form of oil filling, ballast water discharge, residue management and then puts forward some suggestions on the record of the Oil Record Book. 列举了油料加装、污水排放及残油处理等关键操作,就如何规范《油类记录簿》的记载,提出了的看法与思考。
Many species of alien marine organism were introduced to China by intentional introduction for their economic or social significances or by unconscious activities such as ballast water discharge. 外来海洋生物是基于某一物种所具有的经济或社会意义而从外地有目的地引进,或者由于无意识的活动如航运业中的船体附着以及压舱水的排放等而带入的。